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- / Bottel Top-Dispensers & Micro-Pipettes
Adjustable delivery nozzle to facilitate dispensing ease in all demanding laboratory conditions.
From the brands of Glassco, ThermoFisher-Scientific, Brand

High performance-Micro volume pipette, Single channel and Multi-channel (for 384 well plate, ideal for PCR tech’s) with high accuracy, precision guaranteed, compatible with all major pipette tip brands, effortless pipetting and reliable results.
From the brands of Glassco, ThermoFisher-Scientific, BRAND, Corning and CAPP.

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- Bottle top-dispensers & Micro-pipettes
Bottle top dispenser:
Adjustable delivery nozzle to facilitate dispensing ease in all demanding laboratory conditions. From the brands of Glassco, ThermoFisher Scientific, Brand.Micropipettes:
(Manual & Electronic): High performance-Micro volume pipette, Single channel and Multi-channel (for 384 well plate, ideal for PCR tech’s) with high accuracy, precision guaranteed, compatible with all major pipette tip brands, effortless pipetting and reliable results. From the brands of Glassco, ThermoFisher Scientific, BRAND, Corning and CAPP.Patented with dual inlet technology (from Glassco)- bottle top dispenser along with single inlet models.